Jesus taught us several parables. In the parable of the soils we see four different soil types represented. Each soil type represents a different condition of a person’s heart. Firstly, we saw the “wayside” – this represents someone with a hard heart and the Word of God taken away by the devil before it can take root. Secondly, we saw the “stony ground” – this represents someone with a stony heart. The Word of God starts to grow but as soon as persecution or tribulation comes along, it withers. Thirdly we saw the “thorny ground” – this represents someone with a heart that is overtaken with cares of the world. The Word of God is there and growing but not well enough to produce fruit because worldly things take priority. Finally, we see the “good ground” – this represents someone with a heart that is free of cares of the world. Here, the Word of God flourishes and produces fruit. Jesus is telling us to have a heart like the good soil.